Have you seen the new COVID 19 family fun activity going viral? Go for a walk, bike ride or drive around town and look for stuffed teddy bears in people’s windows! If you find one, shoot it with your camera and post the photo in the comments below on our Facebook page, Johnson Hometown Realty! If you can, add what town you found the teddy bear in.
Contest Mon. Mar. 30 – Sun. Apr. 5, 2020!
All photos will be entered into a drawing for a $10 Caribou Card (you can drive through!). Play along and don’t forget to put a teddy bear in your window if you have one!! (Actually, you need a teddy bear and a window! 🤔
Good luck teddy bear hunting! Contest open to all ages, everywhere. Start looking in your neighborhood! And remember to practice social distancing when you are out and about! (That’s always a good idea when you are bear hunting!)
#teddybearhunt #anycity #anywhere #contest #allages #randomdrawing #familyfunactivity #johnsonhometownrealty