Matthew 7:12 reads, “Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.” A great rule to live by, and if you paraphrase it, it becomes a great rule for sellers to follow when preparing to put property on the market.
“Prepare your property for sale so that it looks like a property you would want to purchase from someone else” is a simple, yet important reminder for anyone who wants to sell some real estate. Put yourself in a buyer‘s shoes and look at your home, cabin, commercial building, or even vacant land the way a buyer will view it. What would you be looking for in a place to live? What would be most important to you in purchasing a commercial building? What would you want to see in a building lot or in recreational property?
Answer these questions honestly, and then discuss your answers with your Johnson Hometown Realty professional, and address those factors as well as you can. The chances are good that potential buyers are using similar considerations as they look for their next purchase. By doing the things that will make your property stand out, even just a little bit, above those you are competing with, may very well make the difference between selling and not selling and between a low offer and top dollar.
A Few Fun Facts For Folks Fixated on Figures…(Real Estate Statistics – Range MLS)
A few fun facts for folks fixated on figures…from your Hometown Homie:
Residential homes sold/closed in 2017 through the Range MLS
Hibbing Under $100,000 112 $100,000 – $200,000 71 Over $200,000 13
Chisholm ” 40 ” 17 ” 2
Virginia ” 62 ” 23 ” 6
(Most expensive “in town” residential home sold in 2017 through Range MLS – $360,000. Mountain Iron)
Merry Christmas!
There’s a New Real Estate Resource in Town! Checking it Out Might Earn You a Free Caribou Card! – Your “go-to” website for everything real estate related – is live!! We have found that most real estate websites are all about the hosting company and the agents working there. We want you to learn a little bit about us and our new company on our site as well, but we have been working hard to make this site about YOU! We want it to be a resource you can use to become a better, smarter, more informed consumer whether you are a buyer, a seller, or both. Test drive our site, and if you have any questions or suggestions for any improvements that we can implement that will make it more valuable to you or more use friendly in any way, please contact us through our website and let us know. Anyone sending us input that we use on the site will earn a Caribou gift card and our eternal gratitude!