In order to get a home built in 2020 you are going to need to get busy in a hurry, because you will need to acquire at least four things well in advance:
- A Building Site
- Financing
- A Design/Floor Plan
- A General Contractor
- The building site needs to be accounted for before you can make any real progress in any of the other areas, so get on that now. There are currently lots available in and around every town on the Iron Range so contact a Realtor, find out what is available and start looking! And remember, the perfect home in the wrong place will always be in the wrong place….
- You probably have many ideas in mind about your dream floor plan, and perhaps even a few samples drawn out on paper. You need to take your ideas to an architect or a builder who can help you with blueprints and suggestions and estimates. This process can take time and needs to be thoroughly addressed.
- Which brings us to financing. You cannot go forward without the money coming from somewhere. Make sure you can qualify for enough; make sure your preferred lender can/will do a construction loan; find out how much your out-of-pocket expenses will be; and know what your monthly payments will be when all is said and done.
- Finding a contractor who is available when you need him may be the most difficult part of the entire process. Many of the good ones are already booked for this year. Keep in mind that most lots will require dirt work (i.e.driveway, site prep), connection to or creation of water and sewer facility, power brought in, as well as everything else required to construct a home from the bottom up. A good general contractor will arrange for all of the necessary tradesmen, permits and etc, but it all takes time (and money).
If you have questions about any of this, or if you would like information about the real estate end of the process, stop in or call one of the professionals at Johnson Hometown Realty. We are Here to Help!! 218-263-4411